Hahh, She is my friend :)
Actually, I not really close with her but at least she is my friend :)
I attend her birthday party like 2 days ago sorry for the late post :/
Before the birthday, I was confusing what i should choose to her. Maybe shirt?watch?orrr ... toy :@
Lastly i choose a cutieeee stuff to her :P
-Bunny- a cutie fluffy toy :333
*Sorry, that i didn't captured the gift*
(My one is brown in colour, i just choose a similar bunny toy)
I'm last one reached the party.Felt so sorry about that :((
Anyway, that's really fun night :D
They had barbecue but I missed it. MY MASHMAROW ! I missed it WHY WHY WHY?!
Awww pity me :'(
All of us stayed inside her room and started to play "Truth or Dare". I can say that I'm the lucky one :P B'cuz the bottle just pointed at me one time only MUAHAHAHAH
Inside of us have a "love-line" group hahah.
The boy wanted to play truth and we asked him: "Do you still like xx anot?" I was like WOAHHHH *claps-hand* after few minutes he answer: "Yes, I do !"
Woww ! The surrounding feel straight went up and up ! Hahahah That two shy boy and girl So cute lahh :D
Pictures time ~~~!
(The Happy girl :) *Blow cake*)

This doggg so cute ! (黄金猎犬) *I dunno it's english name ><
The girls gang :33
The boy is the party funniest character :D And le pretty girl :)
Me and Amy
Peace up! Euginie :)
Gotta sleep now :)
Good night guys! Hope you enjoy it :)