Wednesday 19 March 2014

Night-time blogging

Hello readers. I'm back ! :) okay i know i'm not a good blogger at all. I'm just too lazy. Okay lazy attitude will destroy a person. Gonna be careful huh haha.

Well, back to the point. I'd been living so exhausted recently. I really really can't live without water. I need water to do many things. Of course, water saving is important. I also controlling myself don't use too much of water because not only me are using the water.

Thank god, it is raining these days. I'd been praying and hoping for so long...and because the weather is killing me.I know some of you guys not having this problem and I can tell you YOU ARE VERY LUCKY. If can I will just live in your house until the 制水 program end. Haha just kidding :P

Emm yea i'm saying my feeling and opinion to shout my stress.

And don't forget to pray for #MH370. God bless you. 

That's all for today.See ya !
Bye ! :)