Tuesday, 1 April 2014


  Hello readers! School life here for todayyy :) Just randomly post this blog and also spring is almost here! Well, my country is summer season for every year. Some of my friends having their trip in Japan. Why? Because now Japan has many beautiful sakura a.k.a cherry blossom !! I love sakura so much ! It's so beautiful and cute haha.

  Well back to the tittle, today our school having a sports event. All form 3 students must participate to this event. And me, the anti-sport type, forcing by teacher to participate this event. 

I was so glad the teacher didn't choose me and also she won't. Because I'm very very poor in sport and I can't run fast as I want to. Training? Hmm... That's a good idea but ..thanks anyway I'll try my best ha -,-||
Actually had four activities and i love four of the activities so much but I can't really done it as well as I thought. Also, the result came out.... he he he I don't really want to say it here. So that's all :P

Today was a wonderful day until i met the stupidest and annoying teacher. Because of some reason, all of my books had put in the office. Okay I know that's my mistake. After I take my books, I realised one of my was missing. Of course, i go back and ask for taking back my books. The teacher straight away scold me like shit. Yea I know I didn't count the books after taking it but that's your responsibility to check it probably.. and so all settle down, no arguement, good. I felt so ashamed that only for a book and .... she .. Fine

Things had gone and never ever think it back again.  

And the funniest thing is the book I looking for is in my bag !
I realise when I'm packing my bag.. Omg ! I'm so foolish !! Sorry teacher, please accept my apologize. :( 

Well i must say that the god is playing me around today because today is April fool! Okay fine not funny. </3

That's all for today.
Thanks for reading ! Bye ! :D