Sunday 15 February 2015

Homemade : Pineapple Tarts

恭喜恭喜!Hello guys !! :D Guess what? It's Chinese New Year ! Hooray ! Okay, I know not really CNY now but still have a lots, a lots of stuff are waiting us to done. Wardrobe clearance, house clean-up,....... and so, making ‘新年饼' ! I can tell you guys, making those Chinese cookies aren't easy to you especially you making by yourself. It was killing me right after I done. Zzz. I know you guys will say ''Just buy it lah, why you want to torture yourself, stupid.'' Okay, you're right but you must know the fun while making it. When you done making all those cookies and look at it the feeling was like 'Woww ~~~' (self-praising) It feel awesome you know but if you failed that is other story lah. (heh)

The most succeed cookies that I made is Pineapple Tarts. To be honestly, the only work I do is coating the tarts ...(tsk tsk) But I can tell you coating the tarts are the most difficult thing.Don't laugh okay. You have to be in high concerntration so you will coat it beautifully.(This is true)

I can only show you the way I coat, Sorry >.<
But I link the video down below, so you can follow the recipe. :)

Soak your brush into the beaten egg yolk.

Then, start coating the tarts.Remember coat it nicely.(My tarts are ball shaped)

Tadaaa ~ This is the result! :D (Omg looks so good)

Voila,we are done ! :D

Okay I know it was funny only showing you how coat the tarts HAHAHAHA ! Forgive me >.<
If you want to know more details here is the link and video :

Stay tune !
Bye :)