Thursday 27 August 2015

Thoughts : Winter

Winter. Yes I like winter. This season is very attract to me. During winter, most of the places had became pure white ground, just like clean and clear paper. White, is a pure and clean color. It is a beautiful color to me. White and winter kind of related tho, haha. 

Honestly, I’ve never been to the country in winter season. So, it is all about my imagination. (haha)
Sometimes, there is a question in my mind. Can we taste the snow? Okay, I know this sounds funny but I'm curious about it. The snow that I mean is not those "impure snow'', is those "pure snow'' drop from the sky. Well, the answer I got was tasteless. Not bitter, salty, sweet, sour. Snow is tasteless.

I always think that snow is the gift from the "Winter God". The God brings these beautiful snow to us in the end of the year. It's like a message to me, the God wants to let us know a year is going to end and we have to get prepare to begin our next journey in the upcoming season, Spring.