Thursday 11 December 2014

TRIP : Swiss Sheep Farm

Hi guys ! Is trip blog again heh. Sorry for the laziness to blog. >.> Lazy people (Admitted)
Well, this farm is my fav b'cuz it was my first chance to see those cutie sheep and fed them.This is because I didn't saw sheep before. Okay I know it's funny but is real #dontjudge. But, I can tell you the sheep's fur wasn't as soft as I expected. Totally disappointed .... </3 Anyway, those sheep are cute tho :3


(Super big cowboy's hat lol)

I just realized that I didn't take any photos with those sheep.... OH MY GOD. Seems like I totally addicted to feed them lol... Seriously hurt ..... </3 ( sheepiess ...... T^T)

If you're not the anti-sun people, you definitely should go there for a try. :)
Thanks for reading. 
Bye ! :D

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