Saturday 13 July 2013


Oh My Gosh guys, I had fall in love with minion !!

Opss, before I start i really want to say "Sorry guys, I didn't post anything in the few months because I'm busy with my school life" I hope you guys will forgive me.

Anyway, MINIONN !!
I can say minions are cute enough. I like them especially their language. Hahah !
That's soooo funnyyyy I really like that.I know the minions had sell in McDonald, But now sold out. I didn't bought it because ...IT'S SOLD OUT ! why why? I just can say I......*sighhh*

Well, you guys can say I'm childish or anything but Don't Judge Me' .
I know you guys know minions are the one actor in "Despicable Me 1 & 2" right?
If you haven't watch it, I tell you MUST MUST MUSTTT watch it! Because I have not enough time to go cinema and I no have the CHANCE ... *drop tears*
Fine ..

Kay, the one of the minions i loved the most is



They are sooo funny Hahaha !! 
When their are laughing 

And...the famous song of them 

Somethings i want to show you guys,
I prefer you guys watch this 

Your're laughing right?
Yea, me too. Hahhaahah !

Hope you guys enjoy with 'MINIONS' 
Bye ! :)


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