Wednesday 9 October 2013


Year-end exam is coming! I haven't get ready for the exam yet. I bet some of you guys same with me right?
Half and one week holidays I didn't do anything in this weekend.And now, the holidays end. Nohhhhhh!
How lazy am I, how lifeless am I. 

But, start from now I must study hard ! Aim for the good result :D
Today, umm no. Tonight, might be a scary night. My house gate is gone. Of course, not stolen by the thief lah. My mom bought a new house gate but we need to wait about ten days. 

Seriously, I really can't live inside a house without the house gate. That's really uncomfortable. I scare the thief will come and stole all the things outside... 
But, nothing important out there, as me. I don't know the others, none of my business ehehe (so bad)  :333

Well, exam just right around the corner, me, the little lazyworm might drop class or stay. If can, I hope can 'upgrade' that's only I want. But, 天下没白吃的午餐, only think but no action 100% won't get any good result.To prove that I work hard, must do extra exercises and avoid me stay near my phone and PC.

Thanks for reading, See ya ! :D 


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