Friday, 26 September 2014


Exam.. I'm nearly to be dead after taking my result. I should probably feel so regret now b'cuz of my careless and laziness. Just only left 2 weeks to let me study. Will I get a good result? Scared...  but Time to have REVENGE. Watch out ! Those people who look down me >:)
But, hope so I will get a better result than now REALLY .. God bless me. Amen. 

Move aside those stress, today I finally can step out of my house. ( bitter life) Well, I know the exam just right around the corner but still I need to take a rest. My ways to relax before exam = watching movie.I can't really describe how the feeling was, but I just feel like so relax.Plus, watching movie is not gonna use your mind at all.(maybe some detective film). Comedy movie is the good suggestion for y'all. Haha. Laugh out all your unhappy feeling and get rid of your stress.

Ops! Time to go.
Bye :)

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