Sunday 5 October 2014


Since that ''20 facts about me'' is quite popular last time,everyone is posting it on instagram, but i decided to post it here as a blog. It is quite challenging to me because I'd used 1 hour to think about how many facts that I have.Well, I'd done tho haha. Yay!

20 facts about me 

1. I like cat more than bunny.

2. I dunno why I called myself bunny.

3.I can dance but not that professional.

4. Always want to get straight A on exam but I can't.

5. Hoping that money can drop from the sky.

6. Wants to be a fashion blogger.

7. I can't play piano but I looks like a pianist.(this is true.)

8. My ambition is to be a supermodel.(dreaming)

9. Always forget something important like... not bringing calculator during math's test. (die)

10. Lazy to charge my phone. I can almost one week don't even touch my phone.

11. Have a twitter account but I didn't tweet anything at there since last three months.

12. Always do some "fashion show'' before going out or shopping. (you know what I mean girls.)

13. Hoping to marry with a angmo (foreign) with green eyes,brown hair. (HAHAHA)

14.I'm a VIP which is Bigbang fan's name. (I bet you know bigbang.)

15. I love GD (G-dragon) the most between the 5 members and also I love him more than my sister. (Don't punch me sis.)

16. I'm a super fan of Ciel! Ciel is an avatar from black butler as known as kuroshitjuji.I'd done some review on it here. (Ciel is my second ''husband'', Gd is the first heh.)

17. Always day dreaming in anytime, everywhere. Well, I also dunno why will this happen to me that's why people always calling me BLUR. </3 sad...

18. I have a weird laugh. (Don't judge)

19. I am not that skinnier than you thought.

20. I have a birthmark on my forehead. I know you are curious but i won't show you heh. >:)

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