Saturday 5 January 2013

Cousin's Wedding

Long time didn't attend wedding b'cuz no people get marry.
I was very excited about that hahaha. As me,wedding is a romantic date b'cuz i can watch the bride and groom exchange ring to each other and kiss :PP

So,today was my cousin 'Christina chin' wedding. Everyone called her "mei mei' hahaha.I think i had 4 years didn't met her.Honestly she changed little bit fat not much. Don't say i'm bad b'cuz that's real ><
Well,today I wake up almost 7 a.m b'cuz need went to her house watch them ‘贡茶仪式’ and church celebration.I not christian but my cousin family is :)

 Ma Cousin , sister 

Bridal car 

 The real roses

The main character Bride and groom :) 

 Happiness family


Lovely Swallow

I can say that's the child very CUTE !

The rose place at the chair beside



Singing group 

Me with flowers :D

They are exchanging the ring to each other 

Ma love cakieeee <3

Okiee it too late now.The time is 2:50 a.m now.I can't tahan already.Tomorrow i'll continue the night part :)
Good nights :)


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