Thursday 10 January 2013


Everyone has own camera rite ?
Of course, i have one too. Although I'm share with my sister hehehh.

Today i has get a new camera ! I'm so happy ! :D
Well, that's not a camera like usual. THAT'S INSTANT CAMERA. When you use the instant camera to capture a picture, it can straight send the picture out. Of course, you need to buy the film. I think the film RM2.50+ each. The camera not expensive but the film is. :(

Exactly, the Instant camera price is between RM 250 - RM 350 like that. I not know that price clearly. B'cuz I get it from bank point exchange. The point not mine one, is my father exchange back for me. Haha
Lucky i have a lovely dad :)

It really NICE ! Today the bank delivered the camera come. It got a free film inside.SO GOOD RITE ? :D
And it also have the spare battery inside. :)

Let's take a look

The Instant Camera and Film :D

The 'Whole Family' LOL :P

My camera is blue colour. It have white and pink colour too :)

Kay that's all 
If you want the instant camera like me, can go the shop which selling and buy it. I'll show the picture when I capture out next time !

Hope you enjoy it :)


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