Friday 4 January 2013

Start blogging

 Blogging. Well, It's 2013 now ! I'm starting to write a blogg.hahah.
I want to write a blog because of my favourite blogger "Chuckei" hahahh 
I get influence by her, so i start blogging hehehheh :P

Well , that's the reason why i blog

                                                   AHH MY FAVOURITE BLOGGER ! ...
Check out her blog :

And talk about today things.I had attend my cousin wedding's buffet in her house :)
I can say that is,the buffet was really nice.I think i'm too hungry or what b'cuz i didn't eat anything while my school recess time :(
Anyway, i was like 3days didn't eat food.The plate was full of rice,mee,curry chicken and more :P My stomach is bigg,hahah i know that.
Soon,i regret :( b'cuz i can't finish all of that and also my stomach was like 'BOOMMM'

Sister , Me and ma brother ..hahah not.He is ma cousin :)

Okayy tomorrow i'll continue. It's 1 a.m now :// And tomorrow i want wake up early to go the church with them :)


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